Satisfying sexuality is an important part of high happiness and quality of life. It’s not just about reproduction and satisfaction, but especially about intensive, intimate communication with your partner.
Sexual disorders in men therefore usually affect not only the man but also the partner and in many cases both find it stressful. Changes or impairments in sexuality in particular often have a negative effect on couples. This increases the pressure on the man that “he” has to function – which starts a stressful spiral. Looking into a future together with joy and enjoyment should be the goal of impairments in sexuality, regardless of whether it affects the man or the woman.
There are many treatment options – but it is important to find the one that best meets your expectations and hopes.
Erectile dysfunction
Not only the aging man can suffer from erectile dysfunction, problems with stiffening of the limbs are possible at all ages.
Male sexual disorders occur more frequently as the man ages and are expressed by a worsening of the stiffening of the limbs (erection). In many cases, sexual intercourse (cohabitation) can no longer be carried out satisfactorily. Significant improvements in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (impotence) have resulted in most men achieving an adequate erection.
There are also drugs that can be swallowed, but taking them correctly is particularly important for success. If tablets do not help, a good, satisfactory erection can be achieved in most men by means of injections into the erectile tissue with a very thin needle or so-called erection pumps (vacuum pumps). Erectile dysfunction is a common problem, affecting approximately 30% of 50-year-old men.
Successful treatment also depends on the duration of the erectile dysfunction, ie the earlier you seek treatment, the higher your chance of success. However, an erectile dysfunction can also be the first symptom of other diseases (e.g. diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.), which is why a detailed examination is required to find possible concomitant diseases.
Premature ejaculation
Do you think you have premature ejaculation and are you suffering from it?
Premature ejaculation (ejaculatio precox) is the most common male sexual disorder. It is difficult to define when one speaks of premature ejaculation, since the information depends very much on the patient’s feelings. It is now generally recognized that ejaculation before penetration into the vagina or within 1 minute after penetration (penetration) is defined as premature ejaculation.
According to the latest findings, the cause of premature ejaculation lies in a neurobiological phenomenon that affects the metabolism of serotonin (a messenger substance in the brain). If the premature ejaculation has always existed, there is a so-called primary ejaculatio precox. If the problem of rapid ejaculation did not occur until later, inflammation of the prostate or erectile dysfunction can be the cause and it is a so-called secondary precoxal ejaculation. Relationship problems can also lead to premature ejaculation.
There are numerous treatment options, and recently there has also been a drug that has only been approved for this purpose.
Penis curvature
Basically, the earlier the treatment begins, the more likely it is to be successful.
Do you notice a curvature of your penis due to erectile dysfunction (erection) or do you have pain in the penis during erection? – then you may have a so-called induratio penis plastica (hardening of the erectile tissue). This condition leads to progressive hardening of the erectile tissue of the penis, which can lead to painful erection and/or penile curvature. The curvature of the penis during erectile dysfunction can be so severe that sexual intercourse (cohabitation) is no longer possible. Sometimes the induratio penis plastica is also associated with hardening of the palms (Dupuytren’s contracture) or soles.
In the case of a painful erection, freedom from symptoms can be achieved in almost all cases with non-invasive methods such as so-called iontophoresis or shock wave therapy.
The incipient curvature of the penis can also be treated with shock wave therapy, although the complete disappearance of the hardening is usually not achieved. The longer the disease persists, the worse the chances of success. In some cases, an operation may be necessary and must always be decided individually with the man.
First ordination €200
Follow-up appointment: €160 to €180
depending on complexity
Frenulotomy €350
Please make an appointment
by telephone or in person.